Stuck on Uploading

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Sid Celery

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Message 80518 - Posted: 9 Aug 2016, 2:37:36 UTC - in response to Message 80503.  
Last modified: 9 Aug 2016, 2:39:32 UTC

As of writing this I have over 180 mini results pending upload
Deadline is reached in less than 20hrs for some results
If I lose all this work I can't see it worth continuing to
support this project and return to Poem or another project that
doesn't waste my time and resources
This seems to be an ongoing problem that Admin doesn't seem too concerned about

Try again - things seem to be fixed and my experience is all credits are granted, so everything should be fine for you. Hopefully you can confirm that for yourself.

You make a very good point about wasting time and resources. I agree with you.

180 tasks pending upload is a lot, though - much more than me - so I took a look at your 2 I7 machines.

You seem to hold a 4-day buffer.
While CASP is running at the moment, with deadlines of 2 days, if you don't reduce your buffer to 2 days you will always be downloading more tasks than you can complete in 2 days, so they'll have to be run out of order to complete in time. Keeping 4 days buffer is a waste of your time and resources, so please reduce it to 2 days until CASP is over.

I also notice you've set your runtimes to just 1 hour, when Rosetta's default runtime is 8 hours. So you're asking for 8 tasks for each core when everyone else is asking for just one. With your combined 16 cores you're hitting the server for 128 tasks while my 8-core is asking for just 8.

Again, this is a massive hit and waste of time and resources you're asking of the Rosetta servers when they're already struggling at their limit and causing everyone problems when they fail.

So it would really help to save time and resources on the Rosetta server if you doubled your runtime to 2 hours at first until you're happy how things are going and your buffer reduces to half the number. Then doubled it again to 4 hours and see how that goes.

I understand you may have concerns about reliability of task supply, so I leave it up to you if you want to increase your runtime again to 6 or the 8 hour default, but 4 hour tasks seem to be the bare minimum to minimise your constant unnecessary hitting on the server which affect its reliability for everyone.

Come back and tell us how you get on, because it's worth our while ensuring you don't hit on a weak server as much as you are currently.
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Message 80519 - Posted: 9 Aug 2016, 6:29:23 UTC - in response to Message 80502.  

Update: Likewise for me, everything is running fine now and all completed WU have been uploaded.
Thank you moderator/staff for fixing it. It runs fine now on my client.

I wish you all in this thread a very nice day.

With best regards
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 80521 - Posted: 9 Aug 2016, 17:07:45 UTC

Not solved for me. This is the message:
"Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down."
In server status page, a lot of server are red!!
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