Current issues with 7+ boinc client

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Message 74605 - Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 10:33:06 UTC - in response to Message 74603.  

> The RAM usage is a result of the complexity of the models/research being carried out so there's probably little that can be done about that - cutting edge research can be demanding!

Interesting point! While I studied various biomed dc projects (to gather information and provide summary information based on which team will be able to choose a new project) i fould that some projects are using same Rosetta algorithms for the simulation of proteins (or at least it declared by project staff - i can't verify that by myself). But use much less amounts of RAM. For example Human Proteome Folding app use only 70-150 Мб of RAM (compare to 300-700 Mb in R@H).
And im curius: They achieved this result by optimizing the code (the same algorithms in terms of the scientific implementation, but the other program code) or just run ONLY very small/simple targets or use a totally different algorithms (only based on Rosetta, but much different)? Not sure...

I believe that memory use is dependant on which program(s) within the Rosetta software suite are being used: and how big the protein(s) being modelled are, so I would guess that the HPF project is using either a lower-memory part of the suite or is working on smaller proteins.
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Message 74606 - Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 12:30:59 UTC - in response to Message 74603.  

+ R@H not have (and no plans to develop) GPU computing app. Nvidia cards usual works for F@H, but for ATI(AMD) cards all last F@H clients ineffective (and R@H not use it at all) so ATI card very often idle, doing only CPU WUs. This is a significant waste of potential resources. So computers equipped with ATI cards(and probable AMD hybrid CPUs) also candidates for transfer to another project(s).

Try Collatz for your amd/ati cards, they are a math type project and can use ALOT of the older cards there, as well as the newer ones too. As Link said there are "MANY" other Boinc Projects that can use your amd/ati cards, some use less resources than others, just like cpu projects. Collatz can run on gpu's with as little as 500mb of ram and MAY still run on only 256mb cards! It used to but I do not know if they have moved past those or not. As people upgrade there are physically less and less of them in the Boinc community so less need to support them.
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Message 74610 - Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 16:02:34 UTC - in response to Message 74606.  
Last modified: 28 Nov 2012, 16:48:18 UTC

+ R@H not have (and no plans to develop) GPU computing app. Nvidia cards usual works for F@H, but for ATI(AMD) cards all last F@H clients ineffective (and R@H not use it at all) so ATI card very often idle, doing only CPU WUs. This is a significant waste of potential resources. So computers equipped with ATI cards(and probable AMD hybrid CPUs) also candidates for transfer to another project(s).

Try Collatz for your amd/ati cards, they are a math type project and can use ALOT of the older cards there, as well as the newer ones too. As Link said there are "MANY" other Boinc Projects that can use your amd/ati cards, some use less resources than others, just like cpu projects. Collatz can run on gpu's with as little as 500mb of ram and MAY still run on only 256mb cards! It used to but I do not know if they have moved past those or not. As people upgrade there are physically less and less of them in the Boinc community so less need to support them.

At least the Collatz ATI CAL application should run on basically any ATI card, that can crunch. Here part of the readme regarding RAM usage:

Default graphics RAM usage:

As a rule of thumb Collatz adapts to the amount of installed memory on the graphics card and
doesn't use more than a third of it per WU. It has a maximum usage of 528MB per WU (only on cards
with more than 1.5GB). The used memory is always (16 + a power of 2) MB, i.e. 17MB, 18MB, 20MB,
24MB, 32MB, 48MB, 80MB, 144MB, 272MB or 528MB. That means it will use 32MB per WU on a 128MB card,
80MB per WU on a 256MB card, 144MB per WU on a 512MB card, and 272MB per WU on a card with 1GB
or more.

There are also more "scientifical" projects, but (at least for ATI cards) they require either DP capability (Milkyway) or OpenCL support.

BTW, a great help to find projects for your card are the results of WUProp@Home.
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Message 74613 - Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 17:46:01 UTC

Thanks for the projects suggestions. Once you have forgotten what I wrote above, our team specialized and supports biomedical projects only. So choose mathematics (or cryptographic etc.) project as one of the main ones is not an option.
With this constraint is currently a short list of our candidates looks like:
Help Conquer Cancer and Human Proteome Folding (this is included as the sub-projects in World Community Grid)

We just have to decide which of the projects (maybe 2 max) more worthy to support. And which is better suited to our own needs (as they will receive in the first place computers what can not be used or ineffective for use Folding@Home and Rosetta@Home and only small portion of other comps - if their owners will like/interest a new project)

I think it's time to conclude the discussion of other projects (or move it to a different topic, if someone want to continue), as this thread is big offtopic in this thread.
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Message 74615 - Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 20:43:36 UTC - in response to Message 74613.  

Thanks for the projects suggestions. Once you have forgotten what I wrote above, our team specialized and supports biomedical projects only. So choose mathematics (or cryptographic etc.) project as one of the main ones is not an option.
With this constraint is currently a short list of our candidates looks like:
Help Conquer Cancer and Human Proteome Folding (this is included as the sub-projects in World Community Grid)

We just have to decide which of the projects (maybe 2 max) more worthy to support. And which is better suited to our own needs (as they will receive in the first place computers what can not be used or ineffective for use Folding@Home and Rosetta@Home and only small portion of other comps - if their owners will like/interest a new project)

We had such constraints in the team I crunch for too, before it was Seti@Home and Seti@Home Beta only. It basically didn't work long term for two reasons: server outages and not supported hardware. With the four projects you listed there sever outages might not be an issue most ot the time but the second issue is still there as you see and even if it was not there right now it might appear with new hardware and/or project applications. So now our team have few "backup projects", which we can use if the SETI servers have some issues (like now) or we can use there hardware, which SETI can't use... or we can crunch there if we like to, the rules are not that strict. I mean, people were crunching for other projects in the past too, only the team didn't get any credits for it.
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Message 74624 - Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 8:54:41 UTC

So to get back on track here, any news on when my i7 will be able to crunch again?
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Message 74625 - Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 10:21:20 UTC - in response to Message 74613.  

Thanks for the projects suggestions. Once you have forgotten what I wrote above, our team specialized and supports biomedical projects only. So choose mathematics (or cryptographic etc.) project as one of the main ones is not an option.
With this constraint is currently a short list of our candidates looks like:
Help Conquer Cancer and Human Proteome Folding (this is included as the sub-projects in World Community Grid)

We just have to decide which of the projects (maybe 2 max) more worthy to support. And which is better suited to our own needs (as they will receive in the first place computers what can not be used or ineffective for use Folding@Home and Rosetta@Home and only small portion of other comps - if their owners will like/interest a new project)

I think it's time to conclude the discussion of other projects (or move it to a different topic, if someone want to continue), as this thread is big offtopic in this thread.

Why not add Correlizer and Docking@Home to the list?
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Message 74626 - Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 12:49:56 UTC - in response to Message 74624.  

So to get back on track here, any news on when my i7 will be able to crunch again?

NOPE...David has been a no show for awhile now! That is kind of why the thread is wandering a it.
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Message 74639 - Posted: 2 Dec 2012, 10:02:47 UTC

and also because a lot of people who this effects have probably given up on a fix and stopped checking....
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Message 74644 - Posted: 2 Dec 2012, 17:36:30 UTC

Add my machine (ubuntu and a Win7-VM) to the affected ones as well.

It runs with 7.0.28 on both OS, both have no probs in other projects in regard with this.
Grüße vom Sänger
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Message 74645 - Posted: 2 Dec 2012, 19:06:21 UTC

Hmm ubuntu has same bug certainly.
But W7-WM is no same error.
First bug generates "Client error" state of WU + missing application version in logs (application version --- ) but no any other errors.
While w7-VM generates "Validate error" and app version is present (application version 3.45)
Try run some more WUs on W7 (only 2 completed now)

Physical it is a same machine?
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Erwin Verdoorn

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Message 74646 - Posted: 2 Dec 2012, 20:20:13 UTC

Same here.
W7, Intel I7-3770. Running BOINC 7.0.28 and Rosetta Mini 3.45.
Over 60 wu's resulting in client errors. What a waste (of all my credits :) ).
All other projects work without a glitch.
Rosetta: Suspended.
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Message 74651 - Posted: 3 Dec 2012, 5:49:14 UTC - in response to Message 74645.  

Physical it is a same machine?

It's the same physical machine, and I aborted the WUs stat had not started (or nearly, one had a few minutes on the counter).
I don't intend to test anything here, that's what Ralph is made for. No testing whatsoever should take place in Rosetta proper.
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Message 74652 - Posted: 3 Dec 2012, 12:16:46 UTC - in response to Message 74651.  
Last modified: 3 Dec 2012, 12:17:08 UTC

Physical it is a same machine?

It's the same physical machine, and I aborted the WUs stat had not started (or nearly, one had a few minutes on the counter).
I don't intend to test anything here, that's what Ralph is made for. No testing whatsoever should take place in Rosetta proper.

According to those who did, and still do test, Ralph works just fine with ALL machines, it is just Rosetta that has the problems! Which is just PART of what this sooooo frustrating!!!
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Message 74656 - Posted: 4 Dec 2012, 5:53:43 UTC

I already mentioned this (I think), but I pretty sure this is a software- incompatibility-with-hardware problem. Almost all the machines suffering from this bug are new i7s.
I remember a while back I couldn't play a game with my old PC because it was an AMD CPU and it would BSOD at random points of the game, it was a known bug, which is why the game didn't support AMD CPUs (at that time at least).
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Message 74661 - Posted: 4 Dec 2012, 11:56:51 UTC - in response to Message 74656.  

I already mentioned this (I think), but I pretty sure this is a software- incompatibility-with-hardware problem. Almost all the machines suffering from this bug are new i7s.
I remember a while back I couldn't play a game with my old PC because it was an AMD CPU and it would BSOD at random points of the game, it was a known bug, which is why the game didn't support AMD CPUs (at that time at least).

I do not own an i7 and have problems running Rosie, I own both Intel and Amd cpu's and neither kind of machine will run for me IF I ALSO have a gpu in the same machine crunching too! Either kind of cpu WILL work for me in a machine that does NOT have a crunching gpu in it.
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Message 74685 - Posted: 8 Dec 2012, 13:01:00 UTC

I think we found source of problems with 100% error rate bug on some of new computers.
One of my team members do experiment with one of computers wich can not crunch R@H due this bug:
He replace videocard (nVidia GTX 670) by another model. R@H errors is gone - WU calculates and validate successfully. Then he install card back to the computers and R@H WUs start fails again.
We are not talking about just to stop/start calculations on the graphics card (it has repeatedly tried and does not helps), but full (physical) removal/install card from/to the computer.

We are now conducting a survey among the members of our team, whose computers have encountered this bug. While all of them have been installed the latest generation of nVidia video cards (GTX 6xx), high-class cards:
GTX 680, GTX 670, GTX 660Ti. All based on same graphic chip - Kepler GK104
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Message 74686 - Posted: 8 Dec 2012, 13:03:49 UTC - in response to Message 74685.  

I think we found source of problems with 100% error rate bug on some of new computers.
One of my team members do experiment with one of computers wich can not crunch R@H due this bug:
He replace videocard (nVidia GTX 670) by another model. R@H errors is gone - WU calculates and validate successfully. Then he install card back to the computers and R@H WUs start fails again.
We are not talking about just to stop/start calculations on the graphics card (it has repeatedly tried and does not helps), but full (physical) removal/install card from/to the computer.

We are now conducting a survey among the members of our team, whose computers have encountered this bug. While all of them have been installed the latest generation of nVidia video cards (GTX 6xx), high-class cards:
GTX 680, GTX 670, GTX 660Ti. All based on same graphic chip - Kepler GK104

Good work! Can you confirm what drivers they're using and if they're not the latest, then whether updating the drivers make any difference?
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Message 74694 - Posted: 9 Dec 2012, 10:45:16 UTC - in response to Message 74685.  
Last modified: 9 Dec 2012, 10:46:04 UTC

I think we found source of problems with 100% error rate bug on some of new computers.
One of my team members do experiment with one of computers wich can not crunch R@H due this bug:
He replace videocard (nVidia GTX 670) by another model. R@H errors is gone - WU calculates and validate successfully. Then he install card back to the computers and R@H WUs start fails again.
We are not talking about just to stop/start calculations on the graphics card (it has repeatedly tried and does not helps), but full (physical) removal/install card from/to the computer.

We are now conducting a survey among the members of our team, whose computers have encountered this bug. While all of them have been installed the latest generation of nVidia video cards (GTX 6xx), high-class cards:
GTX 680, GTX 670, GTX 660Ti. All based on same graphic chip - Kepler GK104

Interesting. My laptop has a Kepler based GPU (660M), and yes, it does suffer from this bug as well.
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Message 74696 - Posted: 9 Dec 2012, 12:01:26 UTC - in response to Message 74685.  

I think we found source of problems with 100% error rate bug on some of new computers.
One of my team members do experiment with one of computers wich can not crunch R@H due this bug:
He replace videocard (nVidia GTX 670) by another model. R@H errors is gone - WU calculates and validate successfully. Then he install card back to the computers and R@H WUs start fails again.
We are not talking about just to stop/start calculations on the graphics card (it has repeatedly tried and does not helps), but full (physical) removal/install card from/to the computer.

We are now conducting a survey among the members of our team, whose computers have encountered this bug. While all of them have been installed the latest generation of nVidia video cards (GTX 6xx), high-class cards:
GTX 680, GTX 670, GTX 660Ti. All based on same graphic chip - Kepler GK104

Please MAKE SURE you guys check the AMD cards too as that is what I use and I DO have the problems!! I have some 5770's, some 5870's, some 6850's and some Nvidia 560Ti's. ALL of the machines with them in there have the problems! I personally think it is more just that there is a gpu in the machine in general as I have two other machines that have NO gpu in them, and they crunch just fine here.
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