xbox 720/loop

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Message 72185 - Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 11:36:29 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jan 2012, 11:58:48 UTC

Hi All

Before I start, I want to say I'm fully aware of the low probability of this happening, of the levels of cooperation that would be required, that it might be impractical for a number of reasons, and that if it does have a chance of happening it would probably be wrapped up in NDAs to the point where we wouldn't know until around the release date. I also understand that R@H is mainly about improving the Rosetta code base whereas a project like this would probably be more suited to a static version of the software concentrating on results rather than development.

However, the opportunity might be huge so I'll post anyway:

Has there been any contact with MS about R@H on the xbox 720? I've just seen the story on SemiAccurate which (true or not) states that the dev kits are being rolled out which means that the hardware choices (CPU/GPU/RAM etc) choices have been finalised.

On the down-side that article states that it's a PowerPC CPU (which minirosetta hasn't been compiled for as far as I'm aware) with AMD's GCN CPU (better for compute than the previous VLIW architectures by all accounts).

I remember that there was talk of a collaboration between MS and the Bakerlab when the 360 was coming out and my assumption was that that project died because of the 360s overheating problems. It has also been posted that the Bakerlab has received donations from the Bill & Melissa Gates Foundation, so it appears from the outside that there is some good-will there.

Any mileage in this?

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Profile Big_Bang

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Message 72186 - Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 11:50:37 UTC

This could give a good boost to R@H. Back in the day, the PS3 client was huge for Folding@Home, not only for its amazing processor power, but also because of all the publicity caused. It's what introduced me to folding.
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Message 72355 - Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 13:40:14 UTC - in response to Message 72186.  

I still run Folding at Home on 3 PS3s. It is a great way to use the PS3 when it isn't playing a BluRay or some game.

R@H on XBox 720! How can we make it happen??


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Message boards : Number crunching : xbox 720/loop

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