The fox and the grapes

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Message 108679 - Posted: 9 Nov 2023, 18:13:25 UTC

Ah, the classic fable of the fox and the grapes! Once upon a time, in a lush vineyard, there lived a sly and cunning fox named Felix. One sunny day, as Felix strolled through the rows of tempting grapevines, he spotted a bunch of plump, juicy grapes hanging just out of reach.

Driven by desire, Felix leaped and jumped, trying to grab the delicious grapes, but they remained stubbornly high above him. Undeterred, he continued his acrobatic efforts, convinced that those grapes were the key to unparalleled sweetness.

After numerous attempts, the tired and frustrated fox finally gave up. As he walked away, he muttered to himself, "Those grapes were probably sour anyway. I didn't want them."

And so, the fox consoled himself by pretending he never wanted the grapes in the first place, using the strategy of sour grapes to mask his disappointment.

The moral of the story? Sometimes, when we can't attain what we desire, it's easier to convince ourselves that we never really wanted it in the first place. The tale of the fox and the grapes reminds us to be honest with ourselves and to appreciate what we have rather than dismissing it out of reach. If need more interesting story, visit
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Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : The fox and the grapes

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